Monday, 16 December 2013

Teh Tsania's Wedding Reception

Yep, Teh Tsania akhirnya sudah resmi jadi istri orang. I'm soooo happy for her. Hari Minggu kemarin kami, kelas B, berangkat ke Majalay(sy)a buat dateng ke resepsinya Teh Tsania. Karena kebetulan pas hari Minggu itu ada yang harus ujian KKN dulu (termasuk saya), jadinya baru berangkat kesana sekitar jam 2an. Sebenernya saya setitik khawatir karena kalau sore itu pasti selalu hujan. Maka dari itu saya bawa cadangan sepatu Converse buat jaga-jaga. Dan ternyata memang hujan. Sangat deras. Dan juga banjir. Dan becek.
Kami pergi pakai 4 mobil. Dan saya sungguh bersyukur karena ngga jadi pakai angkot. Ngga kebayang kalau kesana pakai angkot. Udah cantik-cantik, ganteng-ganteng, sampai sana lepek gara-gara hujan. Hiii...
Kumpul di Alfamart (tetep Alfamart) Bungamas jam 1. Pas kumpul sih ngga hujan, mataharinya masih muncul gitu. Pas saya datang ternyata baru ada Ida, Jyina, Echi, Nday, Cissy, sama Kristo. Terus si Kristo pake batik yang tangannya panjang dan dia setitik mirip bapak-bapak. Maaf ya, To hahaha

Friday, 6 December 2013

Current Crush

Thank God It's Friday! For I have no class on Friday. So I can lay down on my bed aaaaall day long.
Well I just finished watching We Got Married 198. And that was the most hillllllarious episode so far (it's getting better for each episodes actually). I only watch WGM for PocaGuri (It's Jung Joon Young and Jung Yoo Mi). I skipped the other two cause they are kinda boring and show too much lovey dovey story. Like cooking for each other, having a date at a park, painting their house together, and so on. I don't like that kind of relationship. Not that I don't want to be in that kind of relationship, but it's just not fun to watch cause you will always end up feeling envy.
Poca and Guri, on the other hand, are different. They tease each other, they laugh at each other, they prank each other, and that's just so cute. I mean they are (virtually) married but they act like bestfriend. They match each other really well. I wish I have a boyfriend like Jung Joon Young in the future. That kind of guy is just so fun to be with, really.
Here is my favorite scene on We Got Married. Joonyoung and Yoo Mi prepared a Guerilla Concert for Joonyoung debut. No subs but you can see Joonyoung and Yoo Mi singing together in this video

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Epic Moments with Blockade

Saya lagi dengerin lagunya Breakbot yang Baby I'm Yours. Terus tiba-tiba keingetan sama temen-temen Blockade. They say every song brings some memories back. So I decided to share my memories here. Saya mau ngepost beberapa foto, which were taken during our "bolang" days. Dan sejujurnya saya sendiri kangen masa-masa itu hehehe..


Kalau ngga salah waktu itu lagi ngerjain tugas reading. Terus diajakin main ke Bandung sama Dinan. berangkat dari Nangor sekitar jam 12an. Waktu itu Bombom ngga ikut karena katanya dia lelah habis main futsal. So it was just the 5 of us. Saya, Ellen, Thia, Kristo, dan Dinan. Sampai di Bandung bingung mau kemana. Akhirnya mutusin buat ke Bukit Bintang, itu pun setelah nyasar dulu karena ngga ada yang tau tempatnya dimana. Saya kira Bukit Bintang itu tempatnya kayak Punclut gitu, yang banyak warung-warung, taunya cuma tempat parkir doang. Disini mukanya udah pada kucel banget. Well it was 2 am anyway..

Mie Goreng Belerang

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Kencan ke Kebun Binatang

Hari ini hari lalai sedunia. Begitu pun besoknya, dan seterusnya sampai akhir minggu. Karena 2 hari kemarin sedikit agak pusing sama tugas bacaan buat mata kuliah Amhis dan Survey Englit, I would like to reward myself with some free time to stay away from textbooks. Yay!
Jadi hari ini saya mau agak nyampah di blog yang sepertinya, kalau bisa diumpamakan seperti kosan yang ditinggal liburan semester, isinya udah pasti penuh debu dan sarang laba-laba.
Soooo, I'm going to post some pictures here. Kebetulan beberapa bulan yang lalu (lupa tepatnya kapan), saya dan teman-teman chimpiers pergi tamasya ke Taman Safari, Bogor. Setelah sekian lamanya kepengen, baru kesampaian bulan-bulan kemarin (itu pun setelah melewati berbagai kekonflikan terlebih dahulu). Mengenai siapa itu teman-teman chimpiers, mungkin nanti akan saya jelaskan ketika ada waktu luang dan niat yang kuat untuk menulis surat cinta buat mereka. They are too special to be explained in brief explanation :">

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Further Studies in Prose Final Exam Essay

Another final task. This is a final task for Further Studies in Prose. In only a month (not fully a month, though), I am obliged to finish a novel, 3 short stories (one of it is actually the longest short story I have ever read. 40 pages, like, seriously? 'short' story?), and several other reading materials, which actually reminded me to my previous totally-horrifying reading lesson. That was one of the hardest semester, and I have feeling another ones will be the most hardest (yes I'm using double superlative here, sorry).
Anyway, this essay is about daydreaming. I wrote this essay in only 2 hours (you know me, fellas). So, yeah, there are many flaws here, and I will really appreciate it if you'd like to give your comment for this essay. I suggest you to read the short story first, this one is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, and this one is Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield. Happy reading ^^